This post is primarily to give more information about the video clips I’m using, especially to credit the original videographers. I think it’s important for everyone to give credit where it’s due, especially for artists who are kind enough to donate their craft for our personal use.
Also, from a more personal perspective, I don’t want to be viewed as a plagiarist. Ever since a fellow tenth grader caught me stealing a Jim Gaffigan joke (I honestly wasn’t trying to, but also made a decisions not to credit the writer), I’ve spent way more time overthinking this than most people realize. It’s not that I don’t want to feel bad, either, but that I don’t want to make someone else feel like someone they may have trusted lied to them. That never feels good.
I’ll eventually write more thoughts on plagiarism in general, but the point of this article is to give more information about where I sourced the video clips for two reasons:
- to show gratitude towards the creators, and
- to point like-minded content remixers towards a nifty resource.
That being said, I should probably explain why I opted to make a montage video instead of just using a single one.
Why Make a Video?
Honestly, I’ve been experimenting with Premiere Pro and am fortunate enough to have access to a Creative Cloud license via my employer. I’m learning things now so I can apply that knowledge towards client work (but mostly, I’m just having fun making background videos for my Arkham Horror sessions.)
When I had feedback from a critique session about the design of my blog, I wanted to replicate an aesthetic I could vividly imagine but can’t really find online. I call this aesthetic “computer trash,” for lack of better words. I think you could look towards something like Black Mirror: Bandersnatch as an example of this. But aside from that, it’s just kind of been an ephemeral feeling I get of the feeling being stuck between lifeless technology and the sense of slowly decaying biomatter (primarily in the form of paper.)
Hopefully this montage accomplishes that. But considering I made the video in a single night, in less than an hour (and have already spent more time writing this blog post), I’ll probably replace it sooner than later.
Now back to the question at hand: where did I source my footage?
Where to Get Free Videos?

Of the various resources, my first go-to is Pexels, largely because the videos and photos are high quality while still feeling “human,” if that makes any sense. I highly recommend them, and they make it easy to credit the creators who donate.
If you’re a content creator looking for footage, I have three pieces of advice:
1) Always get permission!
The Creative Commons icon is a great indicator that the artist wants other people to remix their work. Be sure to look for these images (usually near the footer) of the media.
2) Follow the Directions!
Also be sure to follow their instructions. I know it sounds obvious, but if the artist allows you to copy it but not to remix it, then please don’t. That would be disrespectful.
3) Always Give Credit!
(FYI The image accompanying this section is used with permission via a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Why Did I Choose These?
My goal with this video was to represent all the different aspects of the blog, from the aspects of my perspective which I want to spotlight. Obviously, the themes all makes sense to me, since they’re my thoughts. But after a recent critique session, I realized the aesthetic needs something to tie it together. Earlier I mention “computer trash” and this is close to what I want, although I’m sure I’ll revise it in the future.
Little Mouse in a Box
The first clip is this close-up of a mouse in their home. I thought that fit the theme of “Maze Rat,” and it’s just fun.
Video by Aleks BM via Pexels.
Slavic Pinball Machine
During another video project, I’ve learned to love the work of cottonbro studio. They have a lot of great, high resolution videos with impressive production value. The fact they allow folx to use their work for free is an honor.
Slavic Pinball Machine (not official name) by cottonbro studio via Pexels.
People Playing Video Games
Not only did I want to include footage of video games, I wanted to focus on people playing them. As a social gamer, I focus more on the people and experiences than the games themselves. (At least, I like to think of myself that way.)
Video by MART PRODUCTION via Pexels.
An Old Typewriter
Because I love writing, I wanted to demonstrate this aspect of my personality (i.e. __xXx-mY bRAnD!11!!@11!-xx__). But I originally wanted a video I’ll eventually just have to make, which is an old CRT monitor running a DOS word processor with printed manuals from a dot matrix printer. I specifically wanted continuous form paper with the hole-ribboned edges. As I kid, I’d fold those into chains.
Essentially, I wanted something that focused on the tactile nature of papercraft. A typewriter makes sense, in that regards. And I really like this clip as a book end since it echoes “THANKS FOR WATCHING.” and even includes a period instead of an exclamation mark, which I love for a sentence otherwise written in all caps.
Video by Miguel Á. Padriñán via Pexels.
Create to Create

I’m so accustomed to using the WordPress editor for work, that I have to force myself to avoid SEO-friendly language or stop myself from over-using the kind of eccentric punctuation which brings me joy. While I am blogging for a variety of reasons, I ultimately want to make sure my content (I HATE THAT WORD!) comes primarily from my desire to create it and not anything else.
Even if I want to use this blog as a promotional tool, or an educational resource, I’d be disappointed if I didn’t spotlight a random photo just because I think it looks cool. So that’s really why I created this concluding paragraph: to show these fun floppy disks with a sharpie label on masking tape!
What do you think?