I stopped having a blog when I stopped wanting to self-host a WordPress install and figured I could throw my thoughts onto Medium. After all, they’re owned by Twitter (a large company), so they’re not going anywhere, right? I didn’t expect a megalomaniac to buy the company, fire his QA staff, and spread Neo-Nazi propaganda (while also making it impossible for me to log into my account), but them’s the breaks, I guess.
So here I am – after 7 years of professionally building WordPress sites – to make my own WordPress site. If it looks bad, I’ll use the “cobbler’s children don’t have shoes” excuse (as one of my bosses used to say) and then point to the static (and AMP-compatible!) landing page at the domain proper.
What Will You post here?
I’ve outlined a dozen essays I want to finish but don’t want to try and sell. I also want a place to put old articles I was proud of, especially back when Maze Rats was a thing I did. But more than anything, I want a pastime which doesn’t angry up the blood and has a creative output.
Plus, zines. I’m not going out of my way to do them, but I have a few zine ideas I’d like to catalog, so here we go.
What do you think?